The story began as a dream for two brothers, Paul and Archie Bogosian, in the early 1960's. They were originally stylists in New York City.
The Bogosian's decided to use the knowledge they had gained as hairdressers to develop their own high performance line of products to meet the hair care needs of a broad client base. In 1963 they formed their own company to manufacture their own hair care products.
In 2008, the Bogosian’s launched Agadir, a name derived and inspired from the beautiful city of Agadir, Morocco.
Argan Oil, found only in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, was a new ingredient with many benefits to the hair and skin.
What started as a singular Argan Oil hair treatment has turned into a line with over 30 products, including an additional line dedicated to men.
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- Mielle Rosemary Mint Oil 59ml :
Unser neues Bio-Haaröl Rosmarin-Minze ist eine nährstoffreiche, intensive Formel, die Ihnen hilft, alle Ihre Haarprobleme zu lösen.
- Mielle Rosemary Mint Leave In Conditioner 355ml:
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- Mielle Rosemary Mint Shampoo 355ml:
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Sorgt für ein müheloses Styling und versorgt Ihr Haar mit tief eindringender Feuchtigkeit!
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Erleben Sie geschmeidige, gesunde Spitzen mit den Haarpflegeprodukten von Mielle!